
New Priorities (part one)

Whenever I get serious with God, I find Him challenging me in two specific areas - how I spend my time and how I spend my money.

It is so easy to let the hours fritter away. A bit of TV here, some Internet surfing there, a chapter or two in a novel and all of a sudden the day is mostly done. The dishes aren't washed, the laundry is in a heap on the bed, nothing is prepared for dinner and I have nothing to show for my day.
Proverbs 31:27 says "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Staying home to raise my child is not an excuse to be idle. It is a different type of job than the 9-5 office job that I'm used to but it is still a job. Just because I can't be fired or earn a promotion, it doesn't mean that I have a free ticket to sit on the couch with a bag of chips and indulge in day time TV.
Colossions 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
"Whatever" includes the 9-5 office job as well as the less defined work-at-home-mom. Wash the dishes for God. Fold the laundry and put it away for God. Prepare quality healthy meals for God. Change diapers for God. Walk around the house comforting a fussy baby for God.
May I be the best work-at-home-mom that I can be for the glory of God.

I'll tackle money tomorrow.


Susannah said...

Welcome to blogdom! So nice to meet you. I'm originally from Canada, but now I'm living south of the border. Thanks for visiting my blog, Chrysalis. Cheers and blessings, e-Mom :~)

Anonymous said...

Great post on priorities! Looking forward to what you have to say about money. :-)

I pray, too, that you're able to stay home with your baby!

Thanks for the comment on Rich Mullins - so, you like Rich Mullins? That's all I need to know, I like you!